Dasht-e Jalam residential complex

Location: Isfahan , Iran
Area : 2000 m²
Design date :2021
Status: Design

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Currently, the water crisis in many regions of Iran threatens the life of its cities for thousands of years. Unfortunately, instead of thinking of a solution and solving this vital problem on the part of managers and leaders, the result is the influx of many people to the northern regions of Iran to buy land and house that can cause another crisis soon. Unfortunately, during the past years, the construction of many apartment boxes has changed the face of northern cities.

In many areas, the green and fresh face of the northern cities, and the light, extrovert and nature-compatible architecture have given way to a pile of buildings without identity, colorful and glamorous buildings that only use expensive materials and Incongruent with the surroundings, they are trying to present themselves more attractively to the different range of customers.

Dasht Jalam residential complex near the city of Ramsar is looking for the experience to use the model that has been the basis of building houses in this climate for years, this time in a four-story structure, in order to form a building that, while creating a better connection between outside and inside the building, have a new presentation of this old model.